Iowa State University HelpVan

Provided by ISU Parking Division and ISU Police CSA's



- Students, Faculty/Staff, and Visitors on ISU Property are eligible and encouraged to contact the Iowa State HelpVan for their free services.
- Our Services do extend to the Greek Community around Campus.

What we Provide

Our HelpVan service is entirely free and fully equipped to provide the below services.

  • Vehicle/Motorcycle Jump-Starts

  • * Tire Assists (Inflating a Tire or Changing a Tire)

  • ** Fuel Assists (Providing transportation to the nearest gas station)

  • Snow Assists (Providing a shovel to unstuck a vehicle)


* Department of Public Safety personnel provides the necessary tools and instructions for changing a tire. It is up to the officer's discretion to perform the change.
** The individual will be responsible for purchasing the Jerry Can and Fuel.


Hours of Operation:

24 hours, 7 days a week (University Holidays subject to Availability)

Safe Ride

ISU Police runs the SafeRide program from 6:00 p.m. - 5:30 a.m. daily. Click the link above for more information.